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Computer rooms have been around for a long time and many people are familiar to the term "Data Center". Computer rooms were too small to facilitate large computers because of the growing requirement for safety, security, cooling system and power supplies. There are currently more than 7000 data centers around the world and the numbers are still increasing. One of the main reason is that more businesses and offices are moving into cloud services.

Its main focus is to centralize the entire IT infrastructure of a company. Data center is where all the critical processes are run and a company might have more than one data center facility or server room depending on the size for back up purpose. There are 4 tier levels in a Data center (TIER 1, TIER 2, TIER 3, TIER 4).Tier means to identify the differences between a data center site infrastructure design topologies and its percentage of availability where tier 1 is the lowest most commonly used by small businesses and tier 4 being the highest commonly owned by large companies or government agencies.

Power supply plays a big role in a data center environment. An average data center consumes more than 100x the power of a large commercial office. Data centers play a very big role in todays world, it is like a brain of a company.

There are a few types of Data Centers in the world

Below mentioned are some famous types:

  • In-House Data Center
  • Colocation
  • Wholesale Data Center
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • Managed Hosting
  • Shared Hosting
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